
Thursday, 21 December 2017

Gratitude List for 2017!

Hey Everyone! 

2017 has been quite a whirlwind of activity, has it not? I have been so super busy that I wanted to look back and show some gratitude on the activities of the past year. I encourage you to do the same. Here is my little list of Gratitude!

1. I am working on my own.... successfully! I took the big leap to leave my regular job and venture off on to unknown speech territory. I am happy to announce that Creating Communicators is the first business in Alberta where an SLP-A is employing SLP's. I am the first SLP-A to provide speech therapy services to schools. I have several SLP's who work for me (not the usual!) and Occupational Therapists. How does it work? My SLP's assess the kids after I have screened them, and then I go in and provide follow up therapy, and assistance to aides at the schools (if there are any). I also provide resources and in-class activities. The SLP's provide regular consultation, and supervise me. I am doing this on my own. I took the leap and left my cushy job with regular pay checks, retirement plan savings, benefits, sick and vacation days with my AHS job to conquer unknown territory. I was very scared, to say the least. But, here I am, 3 years later and still going strong. I am actually busier than ever! So happy I took the leap.

2. My SLP team! I am so grateful for Roxanne, Amy, and Zahra my Speech Path Team! They are all wonderful, smart, accommodating women! I do not know what I would do with out them!! They are all such a great bunch and bring their own unique talents and "smarts" to the team!! Thank you all for juggling kids, husbands, work loads, and travel time to help me out! I am beyond grateful! You rock!!

3. My OT Team! Chantelle and Candis! Chantelle has been juggling my work load with her kids, her full time job, husband and all of the other things that go along with being a working mom! Thank you, I totally acknowledge the sacrifices you make to help me!! Candis, who has helped me out and is now taking a year off (from me) to go check out the great white north and be with family but we hope to see you back and wish you all the best!

4. My new van! This year I got a new van and I am so pumped about it! It has heated, leather seats, the 2 big things on my list. I also have satellite radio- a must have for all my my time on the road. The comedy channels keep me laughing on the long road trips. Last year I put 100 000 Km on my old van!


5. The kids! I am so grateful to be able to work with a fun bunch of willing kids who are always open to trying new treatment ideas! Thank you for making each and everyday exciting and worthwhile!

6. The Schools! I am so grateful to work with wonderful schools who have the greatest staff. I love each and everyone one of you and you are all fun, amazing and hard workers! Thank you all for welcoming me into your schools with open arms and trusting me to take care of all of you speech/occupational therapy needs! I wouldn't be here with out you, especially you that took a chance on me! Forever grateful!! :)

 7. MY family! Thanks guys for keeping things going when I leave at 7 am and don't usually arrive home until 7 pm. Sorry all the long days and the tired evenings. You are awesome kids and I love you more than anything! Ed, thanks honey, for holding down the fort while I am on the road. You are a good husband and thanks for supporting me on this new, exciting and scary adventure! Love you! 

8. The 100 best blog list! Last, but certainly not least, I made the 100 best speech pathology list! Check out the post. Kidmunicate has acknowledged some top SLP blogs, thank you! When I am up at 5 am (like today!) or not getting to bed until after 11 ( I am a 9:30 kind of gal!) trying to get in a blog post, (or finish some extra work)  it feels like no one cares, or is even reading it, thank you for the acknowledgement. I am so grateful!! Thanks for reading!

 Much love and cheer throughout the Holiday season from the Creating Communicators family to yours! And all the best in 2018! 


Monday, 18 December 2017

Christmas Freebie

Do you need a quick, free activity that last week before Christmas break?
 Well, I'm here to help a sister out!

 Santa, Santa What Do You See 

This is a cute Christmas book for emergent readers that was written in the Brown Bear, Brown Bear format.
It includes beginning sounds, syllables, sequencing worksheets and activities.
It also includes write about your family traditions and your favorite thing about Christmas.

And if you haven't entered yet, don't forget to check out an awesome giveaway. I teamed up with Marisha from SLP Now to giveaway an entire year membership! Yes, an entire year! That is worth over $200!

SLP Now Giveaway!

Monday, 11 December 2017

SLP NOW Giveaway

 Hello Fellow Speechies!

Have you heard about SLP NOW? I have, and I love it! It is everything you need for speech therapy all in one place. It has all the materials you could ever want,  skill assessment packs, information on evidence based materials. It really is the starting point to working smarter, not harder! 

For the new year, I am giving you the gift of time! More time to spend in therapy and less on prep that's why I am giving  away a full year to SLP Now!
I  have teamed up with Marisha, and have decided to give away a yearly membership for the Ultimate SLP worth over $200!! 


What can I look forward to on SLP Now?
There are videos that can help with caseload, tutorials, ideas on curriculum based therapy. This membership will help you look at your caseload, and plan it and will also give you all the materials you will need for treatment! LOVE IT!
Here is what you can look forward to, in her words:

Therapy Materials

You can gain access to an organized library of 600+ therapy materials. Use the search features to quickly find activities for therapy including:

  • Literacy and theme-based activities (Book guides, crafts, open-ended activities, and reading passages for 48 themes and 97 books)
  • Skill packs to address 20+ skill aligned with the Commore Core State Standard
  • Bonus organizational tools
New materials are added on a regular basis

Caseload Management Tools

The caseload manager includes tools to streamline your therapy. You'll be able to...

  • Upload your student data for easy reference
  • Use the digital planner for easy therapy planning
  • Quickly enter your therapy data
  • Use our templating system to quickly generate billing notes
  • Easily review student progress using automatically generated graphs
  • Document parent and teacher communication
The site is hosted on a HIPAA-compliant server. Keeping your data secure is our #1 priority!


All members are invited to join our community!
Connect with SLPs for ideas and inspiration by joining groups, messaging individual SLPs, and more.
Groups of SLPs have the ability to create private groups. Just contact us at to set up your group! Perfect for school districts or teams of SLPs.

Doesn't this look wonderful! Sign up below to enter for the giveaway!

Sunday, 10 December 2017

AAC's and You!

 Hey Guys & Gals 😉

Remember, I started talking about about AAC's a while ago (click on the icon below for that post) well, I wanted to elaborate on that post.

I have a few kids on my caseload that are using Alternate and Augmentative  Communication Devices. Remember AAC doesn't always mean iPad, it can mean gestures or communication boards, etc. Some of those kids are beginners and some are already able to tell me short stories on their devices! YAY! There is so much to learn. I need some way to help me organize my thoughts, and help me differentiate between the different levels that the kids were at. I needed help!

I had heard there was this very cool resource called AAC Language Labs. So, I looked into it and was I ever surprised! It was all there, everything I needed and all organized. There were plans for SLP's, educators and parents. Everything was organized into different stages and materials, and games that you could use to teach new skills. I  am in love! My life was made a whole lot easier!! SO HAPPY!!!

On AAC Langauge Labs its all the there, laid out and easy to use. Complete with activities, lesson plans, materials and videos for SLP's, parents and educators. Everything is right here. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! ♡♡

For SLP's there are:

Language Stages and Goals
  • The “Stages” that form the foundation of the AAC Language Lab are information gathered from different resources, and organized in a single chart of teachable segments, called Stages. Because the acquisition of new language skills flows gradually from stage to stage, it is not unusual to find skill development overlapping the stage divisions. Therefore, the stages provide a general structure, but should not be interpreted rigidly.
Clinical Lesson Plans
  • Clinical lesson plans are based on specific expressive and receptive language objectives. They are designed to guide your student through developmental milestones as they improve their functional and academic communication skills using their preferred expressive method (ie. verbal speech, voice output communication device, etc.). Lesson plans are organized and grouped by language stage. Each lesson plan contains:
  • a target language outcome
  • a short list of vocabulary words
  • suggested objectives
  • ideas for teaching activities
  • links to Smart Charts with Unity icons
  • Common Core Standards by grade level  

  • Mobile Lesson Plans 
  •  Mobile lesson plans are designed for a variety of language levels using popular education apps. The focus of each lesson plan is to show different ways the apps can be used to help a student become a better communicator. Lesson plans are divided according to skill level and activities can be adjusted to address the needs of each student. Common Core Standards by grade level are referenced in each lesson plan.
  • Mobile Lesson Plans are organized by language stage; Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. 

    If you have anyone on your caseload that is using an AAC, I highly suggest you taking a look. It will definitely help you, the child, their teacher and family on their journey! Plus it is very reasonably priced- starting at $19.95/YEAR! 
    Don't forget to check out their free resource page

    Don't forget to check out my shop!
 Leave me a comment, if you've used this services and let me know what you think!

Friday, 8 December 2017

Elf Language Activities

Elf  Speech & Language Activities 

Hey Everyone!
I love the holiday season and I love to give. So I am doing just that, giving away a pack from my store ($3.75 value) to you!
And who doesn't like a nice freebie that will make therapy easier this month!
I know everyone, right?!

If you follow my facebook page and my TPT Shop I will email you a copy of this freebie!
Just leave your email below, OR email with your FB name and how many followers I have on TPT and I'll email you a copy!

This pack includes:
Changing verbs to nouns
Comparing & Contrasting
 Name the Items
Articulation Homework
Follow 2 step Directions

I hope you enjoy it!
Tis' The Season!


Monday, 4 December 2017

Free Parent Handout!

Winter Handout 

Pretty soon it will be that time again, and we will all be on break. During that time we need our kids to keep up with their speech and language skills but we don't want a lot of work that won't be done by the parents. Well, look no further! I have made an easy handout for parents to work on some language skills during regular activities that families already do during the holiday break!

Check out my freebie! Don't forget to follow my shop!

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Useful AAC Information

Last week I took an online course-Model, Motivate, Move Out of the Way. I loved it! Such great information.

I have a few kids who are using AAC's and I don't have much experience so I went looking for some information. I found a course through ERLC (in Alberta) and signed up for MMM. It was so informative. During the 1 hour, free, course I learned so much. Kate Ahern did the presentation and she has placed her powerpoint. I think anyone in the speech world should read it, all teachers and all parents.

Kate also has a blog, check it out here!

I made a quick list of information I found important:

  1. AAC is any kind of non-verbal communication including gestures, sign language, spelling, communication boards and technological devices (like iPads.) 
  2. Always presume that the student has not yet learned a way to communicate and not that they "can't do it." They need us to teach them how to communicate their needs/wants and feelings.
  3. Communication Bill of Rights, every person has the right to communicate their need, wants and feelings. 
  4. Every person has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. To be spoken to and not about and to be taught how to communicate. 
  5. When you are working with an AAC- start small. 
  6. Don't use the device for asking "find the... or where is the..." Use it to communicate not as a receptive tool. 
  7. You need to use it, model it, model, model! The student won't learn how to use it unless you use it and model how to use it. 
  8. Use it in a motivating way so that it is fun. If its no fun, and not useful, the student won't be motivated to use it.
  9. Always have the device handy. Don't put it away, keep it accessible at all times.
These are just a few of the important points, and I am not doing this pp any justice. Kate is a wonderful speaker, if you have the opportunity, listen to her. If not, definitely check out her blog and read her pp. There is some wonderful information that is useful for everyone!!

Thank you for all the wonderful, useful information, Kate!



Thursday, 23 November 2017

My Letter Fromation Book

Hey Guys!

I made a letter formation book because I am always needing things for centers with my little guys to teach correct letter formation. You can use this pack as a booklet for each student or as a center.

My Letter Formation Book

It can be used as a dry erase marker. beads, or with play-doh!

It will be a really fun center that helps with learning letter formation, letter awareness and sounds!


My Letter Formation Book

Letter Formation Book!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


  •  What is the ThAAA?

     Hey I am a part of this cool association called the ThAAA. It is a group of rehab assistants that work in speech, physio or occupational therapy. We also have some recreational therapy assistant aides that all come together to share info have some really good educational opportunities!

    Officially: Therapy Assistants are an integral part of our health care system. We are a group of trained, dedicated para-professionals, who as an association can shape our future! The association recognizes those Therapy Assistants who have valuable on the job training as well as assistants with formal education. In 2012, we began the Certification Process! We are one step closer to becoming a regulated association for Therapy Assistants. In 2012, we also added the para-profession of Recreation Therapy Assistants to our membership. Being a ThAAA member already has many benefits! As a ThAAA member you will:

  • Have a say in the future of Therapy Assistants in Alberta.
  • Receive the ThAAA newsletter on a quarterly basis, an informative publication that is designed by Therapy Assistants for Therapy Assistants.
  • Have the chance to network with other Therapy Assistants across the province.
  • Have access to all educational opportunities offered by the ThAAA at a discounted/free rate.
  • Stay up to date on all career opportunities in Alberta.
  • Have access to our website and/or visit our Facebook page.   
  • Check us out on Facebook!
  • We are working to advance the goals and initiatives of Therapy Assistants in the local, provincial and national communities. 

    Our Mission Statement  is:

    • To support and encourage the professional development of our members (through continuing education and information sharing)
    • To be accountable to our members
    • To facilitate maintaining and increasing the current standard of qualifications and education within our profession

    • To promote the role of Therapy Assistants by providing the public and professionals with information regarding our profession and membership
  • Membership ensures that Therapy Assistants are able to present a unified, professional image to the public and within the rehabilitation community.
  • The ThAAA offers our members the opportunity to get together with colleagues to discuss issues of importance in our profession.  
  • Belonging to a professional association identifies you as a Professional!
    For more information or to sign

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Baking and Grammar Freebie!

Baking & Grammar 

Need a quick, easy product to target possessives and past tense? Well look no further. Here is my 
Baking and Grammar freebie that is print and go!
You can laminate to to re-use it but you don't have to!

 Baking & Grammar 
Baking & Grammar  

Baking & Grammar

 It is the cutest clip art ever! :)
Thanks, guys!!

Monday, 6 November 2017

Lateral Lisp

Hey Everyone!

I have a few kids on my caseload with a lateral lisp so I went searching for a few new tricks and this is what I found and use....

First of all get out your mirror! Kids always need to have visual cues and helping to see their own mouth helps... a lot!

1. Use a straw and cotton ball to show students how to force the air through the front of the month instead of the sides of the mouth. As the student blows through the straw they practice having the air flow through the front of the mouth instead of the sides.

2. Have the student practice the s sound with a frontal lisp and then shape it from their- its easier to work on a frontal lisp than a lateral lisp. You just have the child practice using their s initial words with a th sound and then get them to keep their tongue behind their teeth- this one can be tricky but it has worked.

3. Like the video, use the t t t t sss approach.

4.  I get them to pucker their lips in a kissing position. This way it is harder for the air to leak out the sides of the mouth.

Sunday, 5 November 2017


I know it’s not Carnival time but I sure do miss summer! I live in Alberta and we already have snow. Winter is in full force!

A great way to keep your mind off the weather is to use my carnival pack in speech.

My carnival pack is a great way to talk about vocabulary. You can check out my video here and see how are use this one book and packet to target vocabulary :

Friday, 3 November 2017

CVC Practice

CVC Practice

I haven't made many products lately... I definitely have the itch to create! I made a quick pack that many of the kids on my caseload need. It is also free this weekend so make sure you download it quick and give me some feedback!  

Thanks! :) 

Friday, 27 October 2017

Vocabulary and Fine Motor

Hey Everyone!!

Recently, I told you I am trying to incorporate a more holistic approach in my speech therapy sessions. I think it is important to target as many areas and meet as many needs of the child as I can. I work with students at rural, sometimes remote, communities that have high needs. |During speech therapy I have been trying to incorporate more fine motor skills in order to work on OT targets. Many of the schools I work at have limited outside resources and services so I want to make sure that my service is the best... My kids really need it and deserve it!

Many kids have to work on vocabulary because they haven't been exposed to a lot of language at home. I purchased this pack from Ms. Gardenia's Speech Room. Its called the Trace and Say Busy Book. I have been using it with my kids who are in preschool and kindergarten. 

It is great practice for fine motor skills and also to talk about vocabulary and categorizing! You can also talk about the attributes of each item.

Trace and Say Busy Book: Categories 

Monday, 23 October 2017

CVC Center- Segmenting

CVC Center    

I made a CVC center that is great for the classroom, spec. ed or speech.
The reason I made this one is it 
targets cvc words that you don't see often. Like -et, -og, -ip, -it and -un.

It has a recording sheet that you can use for your students for a little extra practice.

I hope you like it!


Monday, 16 October 2017

Sequencing Freebie

How to Make Hot Chocolate FREEBIE 

I really like this freebie for my older students. It is from Mandy Gregory.

Why, you ask? Well let me tell you!!

1.  It has a  page that you can describe some of the attributes of Hot Chocolate including how it smells and tastes. It is really great for the older kids to practice writing or if you are using it for younger kids you can just discuss it as a group.

2. There are black and white sequencing pictures that the kids can color (fine motor) and then explain the steps in speech or even take them home for extra practice. 

3. There is a large(er) color version that you could use.

4. There is a version that you can have the students write out the steps or for younger students you can just have them "talk it out."

5. Its Free!!! 

Thank you Mandy!!

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Fall Interactive Book

I have finally finished my first interactive book! Woo Hoo!

I really like them because you can use them with your students to target goals and they are learning while loving the books. I use them with speech students but you can also use them for spec. ed or have the students use them on their own, independently. The kids can even "read' them to a peer.
I have used others in the past and found that I wanted to make my own that targeted what I wanted. :)
 Fall Interactive Book

Take a look~I hope you like it!

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! As a gesture in recognition of Thanksgiving, if you email me by October 9,2017 I'll email you a free copy. Just follow my blog by signing up and I'll send you a copy!

Feeling Grateful!!

Monday, 2 October 2017

Vocabulary- Step 3

When targeting the vocabulary goal I target sorting. I like to use simple, interesting activities for students. Here is a quick video and activity that I use to help students work on being able to sort items. 


Here are some cute sorting items from my store:

Category Clips 

Jar Categories

Happy Speeching!

Monday, 25 September 2017

Associations- Step 2

When  I am working on the vocabulary goal I target associations first.  I start with toys and then move on to pictures. Here is a quick video for step 2 on working on associations. 

Keep an eye out for more video tutorials!
 Here is the product I used in the video.

 Play-doh Association Mats


Thursday, 21 September 2017


A quick video tutorial on how I like to target Associations!  


I went out on a limb and made some video tutorials. It is difficult to watch yourself, so please be kind. I am not perfect. :)

In September, I start treatment with Vocabulary because it is a good starting point for therapy. Most of the kids I treat need more exposure to language and vocabulary is a great place to start. Step 1 when working on vocabulary is associations. Here is a great way to target associations in the class and therapy using materials that are in most classrooms. :)

Happy Speeching!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Concept Bundle

 I have a lot of schools that need help and I am trying to organize and plan my year.  I am picking a topic and working on it for an entire month. I have worked on Vocabulary and Articulation. Recently I finished my concept bundle.  It contains my Concepts Step by Step and My Teaching Concepts and  Sequencing packs.  You can also purchase them separately but why would you when you can save :)

There are so many activities packed into my concepts step by step pack. I have trace cards, mini fold able books, a matching center and following direction mats. I made it more hands on so that the kids can remain focused longer. I also gave task cards for you to use with toys. Just get out the manipulatives and/or toys you need and follow the instructions on the task card. You can keep data on the specific concepts on the data sheet that is included and you can easily see which concepts are remain difficult for your little guys. 

I hope you like it!
