2017 has been quite a whirlwind of activity, has it not? I have been so super busy that I wanted to look back and show some gratitude on the activities of the past year. I encourage you to do the same. Here is my little list of Gratitude!
1. I am working on my own.... successfully! I took the big leap to leave my regular job and venture off on to unknown speech territory. I am happy to announce that Creating Communicators is the first business in Alberta where an SLP-A is employing SLP's. I am the first SLP-A to provide speech therapy services to schools. I have several SLP's who work for me (not the usual!) and Occupational Therapists. How does it work? My SLP's assess the kids after I have screened them, and then I go in and provide follow up therapy, and assistance to aides at the schools (if there are any). I also provide resources and in-class activities. The SLP's provide regular consultation, and supervise me. I am doing this on my own. I took the leap and left my cushy job with regular pay checks, retirement plan savings, benefits, sick and vacation days with my AHS job to conquer unknown territory. I was very scared, to say the least. But, here I am, 3 years later and still going strong. I am actually busier than ever! So happy I took the leap.
2. My SLP team! I am so grateful for Roxanne, Amy, and Zahra my Speech Path Team! They are all wonderful, smart, accommodating women! I do not know what I would do with out them!! They are all such a great bunch and bring their own unique talents and "smarts" to the team!! Thank you all for juggling kids, husbands, work loads, and travel time to help me out! I am beyond grateful! You rock!!
3. My OT Team! Chantelle and Candis! Chantelle has been juggling my work load with her kids, her full time job, husband and all of the other things that go along with being a working mom! Thank you, I totally acknowledge the sacrifices you make to help me!! Candis, who has helped me out and is now taking a year off (from me) to go check out the great white north and be with family but we hope to see you back and wish you all the best!
4. My new van! This year I got a new van and I am so pumped about it! It has heated, leather seats, the 2 big things on my list. I also have satellite radio- a must have for all my my time on the road. The comedy channels keep me laughing on the long road trips. Last year I put 100 000 Km on my old van!
5. The kids! I am so grateful to be able to work with a fun bunch of willing kids who are always open to trying new treatment ideas! Thank you for making each and everyday exciting and worthwhile!
6. The Schools! I am so grateful to work with wonderful schools who have the greatest staff. I love each and everyone one of you and you are all fun, amazing and hard workers! Thank you all for welcoming me into your schools with open arms and trusting me to take care of all of you speech/occupational therapy needs! I wouldn't be here with out you, especially you that took a chance on me! Forever grateful!! :)
7. MY family! Thanks guys for keeping things going when I leave at 7 am and don't usually arrive home until 7 pm. Sorry all the long days and the tired evenings. You are awesome kids and I love you more than anything! Ed, thanks honey, for holding down the fort while I am on the road. You are a good husband and thanks for supporting me on this new, exciting and scary adventure! Love you!
8. The 100 best blog list! Last, but certainly not least, I made the 100 best speech pathology list! Check out the post. Kidmunicate has acknowledged some top SLP blogs, thank you! When I am up at 5 am (like today!) or not getting to bed until after 11 ( I am a 9:30 kind of gal!) trying to get in a blog post, (or finish some extra work) it feels like no one cares, or is even reading it, thank you for the acknowledgement. I am so grateful!! Thanks for reading!
Much love and cheer throughout the Holiday season from the Creating Communicators family to yours! And all the best in 2018!

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