
Saturday 9 December 2023

Holiday Ideas






Here are some fun and educational activities you can do in your classroom during those down times while you are waiting for the gym to practice your concert in the gym.
They are easy and useful for all students!

Monday 27 November 2023


 Check out my store for some fun Speech and Language resources on sale! 

Tuesday 31 October 2023


 I love using Mat Man in my pre-k classrooms. 

Mat Man, by Learning Without Tears, is such a quick and fun activity that you can use with the kids to help teach important readiness skills such as drawing, pre-writing, counting, building, socializing, sharing, and body awareness.

I love to use it and incorporate language concepts like body parts, and concepts.

You can download it here for free!

Here is a video for information on Mat Man.

Mat Man World

This is the video I use in classrooms when I do Mat Man.

When I do Mat Man with kids preschoolers I pair it with the Opposites book. It is a nice language addition to the activity. 

Sunday 15 October 2023

Monster Theme

love using the Monster theme in the preschool and kinder classrooms. I incorporate Speech and OT.

There are so many fun ideas and activities. 

You can pair with the OT centers to make your centers a language rich experience.
We did Wet, Dry, Try with the letter M- for Monster, then we made monsters with play dough and made fun monsters using add-ons like buttons, straws and other $ store items. 
M- make the m sound with the kids, talk about words that start with the m sound and explicitly describe how to make the m sound (putting your lips together, etc.).
Play Dough- make the monster and describe what they are doing- you put the eyes in the middle, you made a mouth at the bottom, just explain what they are doing using concepts. Remember- don't ask questions, model what they are saying. 
Take a look:

And I also use my Monster Sort Freebie as a language center.

Here is a fun song to pair with your Monster Theme.


Monday 17 July 2023

Camping Theme for Preschoolers


Here is a great language activity pack for preschoolers!

You can use this as a bus theme or pair it with a camping book.


1.Sorting – camping items and items that are not for camping.

2. Free play center- language ideas

3.Fine Motor dabbing

4.Coloring page

5.Printing practice for the letter /c/ mats- used for coloring, dry erase markers, play-doh, and/or posters for visuals.

6.Printing practice- lower case- used for mini erasers, pencil, crayons, pom-poms, dry erase or play-doh.

7.Dabbing practice- lower case- you can use with bingo dabbers, or Q-tips and paint.

8. Interactive Book

9. Jar and Bug Go togethers

10. Opposite Tent Match up

11. Fishing for Concepts

I like to pair this theme with some of my favourite toys!

Tuesday 11 July 2023

Seven Sacred Teachings Freebie

Here is a great freebie that you students can show to demonstrate the knowledge of each of the 7 teachings. They can carry out an activity/action that represents each of the 7 teachings:

and Truth.

First you can read a book and introduce each of the teachings and which animal represents each teaching.
Then you can explain why they are important and how you can use each of these qualities 
at home,
and in the community.

After they understand each of the teachings, give them a week to demonstrate each quality by demonstrating them in their home, school or community.
Then have them do an oral report on what they did and how it showed each of the 7 sacred teachings.
They will feel so proud and it will be a great exercise for their classmates also.
After they have filled out their sheet have them take it home and show their parents.