
Friday, 16 October 2020

Ideas to Build Core Strength

First of all: Why does Core strength matter?


Ideas to improve it:

How can you work on core strength with your child in speech or in the classroom?

*lay down on the floor

*color or play on the floor

*use an exercise ball

Monday, 5 October 2020

OT and Speech

There have been so many funding cuts in Canada that when I work with children I like to try and see the big picture. Speech is my area but I like to try and target as many areas as I can, so they get the most bang for their buck. Not all speech kids have OT concerns, but some definitely do. 
I found this resource that target vocabulary skills, asking "wh" and yes/no questions, verbs and much more! It is from the OT Butterfly and I think it is a great resource for face to face or distance learning.
In her words:
"Are you doing Telehealth or distance learning with your OT clients and looking for a virtual, digital interactive game to play with them? This digital "who am I?" game board allows you to pull up the PDF on your screen and screen share it with your client. The game is played similar to "Guess who" but instead of putting down cards to rule out answers, you can click boxes to illustrate this.
Click on the picture to listen to her preview video.
Thanks, The OT Butterfly!