
Wednesday 26 September 2018

Non-Speech Items-Tara

Remember I told you about some of the non-speech related items that I use in speech? Well, this is another one of those posts! :)

If you have ever been anywhere near TPT you have heard of Tara West- TPT Goddess!
 Her products are amazing, and you get so much for the product for the price and always amazing quality!

Anyway, I love her KinderBookKlub and using it in speech. I have a caseload that comes from homes that don't always have the opportunity to read to their children, so I like to incorporate book in speech. It helps with reading, comprehension, vocabulary and just generally expands their little moldable minds :)

                                                      KinderBookKlub (A growing book club for kindergarten teachers!) 

The first book is After The Fall. I can't wait to use it! I am just in the midst of getting it ready for speech. Her pack includes so many topics that are beneficial for my caseload. 

KinderBookKlub: After the Fall

Tara's Video

KinderBookKlub: Duck and Goose from Tara West on Vimeo.


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