Using themes and upcoming holidays is a great way to plan for therapy. I don't know about you but I sure get tired of the same old therapy materials. Basing therapy around themes and upcoming holidays is a great way to switch things up. :)
I am going to post some great ideas I've found for Valentine's day.
1. Valentine's Day Craftivity
This package includes
- following directions
- sequencing activities
- vocabulary
- verb tense
- basic concepts
- asking & answering questions
- social skills.
So excited to try this one out.
2. Valentines Spatial Concepts Heart
This is a free one from Speech Room News. Use the hearts around your room to demonstrate understanding of the concepts.
3. Valentine's Day Pragmatics Activity
Free and very simple! You have the kids choose a scenario and then decide if it goes on a sad heart or happy heart. You can extend it to give alternatives to that behavior! Love it, great idea!
4. Valentine Game Board
Use this game board to target and goal you want! Articulation, language, fluency more. Just write on your board with dry erase markers, after you have laminated it, and away you go!
I would love it if you would check out my Facebook page and Pinterest board- Creating Communicators
Hope these give you a few ideas that you can try!
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