
Saturday 13 June 2015

Homework Books

Homework Books

Hey everyone

In the speech world, you and I both know that practice and carryover are the keys to success! Many parents need a little help when it comes to understanding speech therapy but too much information can leave them overwhelmed and confused.
I wanted to show you how I do homework books and some simple, free handouts I've made that you can use in your homework books! I also found a freebie too! 

First off, I don't use notebooks or duo tangs but rather folders. The sheets & cards can easily fit in the pockets and you don't have to worry about hole punching sheets. Just be careful that they are in the bag properly so that the sheets don't fall out.

This hand out is an easy articulation reminder for parents. It simply says which sound the child is working on. 

Children and parents get tired of doing the same old artic. drill cards over and over so I made this sheet that can be used with everyday activities. The examples are say your sound while reading a book, practice your sound while eating dinner, & practice your sound while going for a walk, etc.
Freebie- Speech Therapy Homework for any sound!

This is a freebie I found that is fabulous!!! It is from teaching talking!

Articulation Notebooks for /v/ (FREE Sample!)

It's so great I'm thinking about buying some more Articulation Notebooks!
Thanks teaching talking!

Let me know any of your great homework ideas!


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