
Friday, 26 August 2016

Take Time To Look After Yourself!

Well, its beginning to be that time... back to school!! To all of the professionals who work in school, September can be a time of anxiety, especially if you were on a break this summer! Just thinking about my schedule brings on anxiety for me!!

I love my job and I especially love working with the kids but we all need a little break. This summer I was able to take some time off and only work part time (ya right I have 3 kids- there's no such thing as a break!). You know how it goes, you work all day then you come home cook supper, clean up, quickly talk with the kids and maybe do homework before jumping into bed exhausted only to start over in the morning. Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed my time at home and with my kids: camping, and taking them to enjoy fun activities. It was a really nice break from a very busy school year but sometimes you just need to take time out for you. Just you!!

I recently had a chance to speak with Jesse Brisendine, Life Coach. I was so excited to speak with and meet him (via Skype) and I wasn't at all disappointed! He is just as great as he seems! Jesse posts inspirational videos that seem to be sent just for me. The videos are what I need to hear just when I need to hear it.
He posted a video on taking time to nurture yourself and I thought it was a nice reminder as we all get ready to get back to the grindstone... Remember, although we are all in the business of looking after others, children, spouses, caseloads, we need to take time for yourself. This is something I definitely need to remember to do- all the time!
I came up with a quick list of 10 things you can do throughout the day to help you nurture yourself and keep the stress level down.

 Check out Jesse's video here!!

1. Take your lunch and eat it alone outside or in a park.

2. Sit at your desk (or go somewhere that you can be alone and quiet) for 3 minutes and just close your eyes and focus on breathing.

3.Take the long way when you are walking to the bathroom, classroom, or meeting. If you have time, take a walk outside.

4. Take your coffee break without your phone, or checking emails.

5. Make a list of the things that are VERY pressing and only do those, unless you time for more.

6. Laugh and Smile! 

7. Have a bath complete with candles and bubbles and wine ;) Stay in there for at least 20 minutes.

8. Ask co-workers, friends, and/or spouses for help- don't take it all on yourself.

9.Have fun with your kids (caseload and biological!) There is nothing that can reduce stress faster than laughing and playing with kids!

10. Make a gratitude list everyday and keep adding to it. Don't forget to read it every morning and night! 

Thanks, Jesse! 

Monday, 15 August 2016

The Old Lady in the Class!

The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly Literacy Plan 

I love the Old Lady!! I love this song/book and all things you target with this book. It is so fun in the classroom or speech therapy!! 
I was working with a group of preschoolers and I used this book and we had a ton of fun! I had them form a line and we all did a parade where we all did the actions each of the animals do- we flew, crawled, stomped, etc! So fun! 
We also targeted a lot of vocabulary by talking about each animal and what they look like, and how they were different. The kids were so engaged and they loved it!!

I wanted to share some ideas I use with the Old Lady with you!  I made a pack and it is a great resource you can use in your class or in speech therapy.

It targets rhyming


Comparing and Contrasting

beginning sounds

and more!!!

Friday, 12 August 2016

Multisyllabic Words- Freebie!

Freebie Friday!!

Multisyllabic Words Freebie!
I worked with a few unintelligible kids this summer who had goals that targeted multisyllabic words. I made a cute little pack so I thought I would share it with you.
 I hope you and the "kids" have success with it!!


Cheers, Mindy

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Barrier Games by Allison Fors

I’m excited to share with you all the goals you can target with barrier games in speech and language intervention! Students love barrier games and they are a great way to incorporate expressive skills (giving directions), receptive skills (following directions), and social skills in an engaging way.

What are barrier games?
Barrier games are a language game in which two players sit across from each other with a barrier between them. Each player is given the same scene and pieces to go with that scene. The barrier is placed between the players to hide one’s scene from the other player but still be able to make eye contact – similar to the board game Battleship.

How to play:
Barrier games are most commonly played on a magnetic surface. You can play on cookie sheets and place pieces on a thin, sticky magnet. Another option is to put tack on each piece so it will stick to the scene. You can also lay the scene on the table and place the pieces on top without securing.

Give each person/group playing a matching scene and set of pieces. Set up a barrier between the players (e.g. file folder). One person arranges all of their pieces on the scene and then gives directions to other player on where to place the items. The purpose of the game is to have matching scenes at the end.

You can play one-on-one with your student, two students with each other, or a group of students with another group. Alternatively, if I’m trying to target a specific goal, I will control the game by giving the student a scene and verbally give them a list of directions to follow (without trying to match another board). 

- Vocabulary
- Adjectives: e.g. colors, size
- Spatial concepts: e.g. on, in, under, below, next to, between
- Following multi-step directions
- Sequential directions
- Giving directions/formulating sentences
- Social skills: e.g. Making eye contact to give/receive instructions, asking questions to clarify instructions.

View the barrier games in the pictures above here:
Back to School Barrier Games
’m excited to share with you all the goals you can target with barrier games in speech and language intervention! Students love barrier games and they are a great way to incorporate expressive skills (giving directions), receptive skills (following directions), and social skills in an engaging way.

Grab a free barrier game activity here:
Cavemen & Dinos Themed Barrier Game

Monday, 1 August 2016

Washi tape!

I bought some washi tape recently and asked myself, how can I use this in speech? I try to make therapy fun and get tired of work sheets and flashcards. I thought washi tape- lets turn it into an activity!

I came up with an easy way to target following directions and teach some important concepts like first, second, third, before and after.
I found these cute Angry Bird pencil toppers at the dollar store and used them. 

First of all I made 3 squares on the table and then asked the students to follow my directions. The good thing about washi tape is it comes off so easily and clean. No gunk left on the table!

Some examples of  directions are "put the black bird in the first square," and "put the red bird after the black bird." You can use any direction that you can think of or that targets your students goal(s).

Put the washi tape on the table or on the floor, in any shape your little heart desires... :) If you come up with some other ideas, I would love to hear them :)

Use them to work on other concepts like outside, on top, below, etc!