
Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Articulation Mats

                                         Articulation Mats

There are so many fun ways you can incorporate articulation practice at home or in therapy.
You can use these articulation mats with play doh, dry erase markers, chips, candy or cereal, crayons, pom poms, bingo dabbers, mini erasers and more!

These will be a great way to practice those stubborn sounds during the summer.

                             Articulation Mats

                             Articulation Mats

                             Articulation Mats

Here is what is included:

9 Articulation Mats for Speech Therapy
initial sounds-f,g,k,l,s and l blends, r, s, sh, and ch & th in all positions.

These mats are to be used in speech therapy for articulation practice. The students can say their target sound and cover a spot with a bingo chip or dauber after they have made a correct production. There are 10 examples on each page and 2 versions for each sound- /r/ and /th/ have more than 2 examples and the /th/ sound is in all positions. All other sounds are initial. At the end of the pack are 10 bw sheets you can send for homework or as a low ink alternative and used with articulation cards.

/f/-fish, fan, ferris wheel, full, photo, phone, fire, fireplace, farmer, fast.
/k/-camera, car, computer, kite, kitten, key, kettle, ketchup, cup, kitten.
/g/-goat, gift, girl, gopher, game, gum, gun, garbage man, gumballs, gold.
/l/- listen, line up, leaf, log, lollipop, lamb, ladybug, laptop, lantern, luggage.
/l/ blends-slam, plant, black, slim, plant, glass, Santa Claus, glue, sled, plum.
/s/ blends words- scar, snack, swim, slim, skate, stem, spin, student, skinny, stage. You can have the students use the phrase- the scar on the swing.
/th/-thin, thief, mouth, sloth, thermos, wreath, thorn, third, mouth, theater.
thumb, mouth, thin, thorn, thermometer, wreath, moth, bath, thermos, thief, theater.
/sh/-ship, shop, sheep, chef, shovel, shell, short, shoe, she, shoulder.
/ch/-chalk, chimney, chicken, chocolate, church, chick, chest, cheese, cherry, chair.
/r/- rainbow, rain, ring, rocket, rose, red, river, rim, rings, rat
rabbit, rings, robot, roller skates, rose, red (bear), rain coat, run, rock, rat, rose.
Write, rabbit, run, rock, race car, rat, rain coat, ring, roller skates, wreath.
/s/- Santa, sun, son, sofa, sit, sandwich, sandcastle, soap, socks, soldier.

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