So these are unprecedented times! Parents who have little experience with school and education are now having to teach their children. I hear that many parents are "losing their minds!" I get it. This is a new transition, and we are feeling stressed. Maybe no job, no income, can't leave the house, and now we have to teach our kids!? UGH! I feel for you all!
I wanted to share a few tips that I've learned along the way to make this time go as smooth and problem-free as possible.
1. First things first- use a visual schedule! Kids need to see what they have to do and that there is an end in sight. That they aren't going to be working indefinitely. You can use the activities that they are going to be doing as a schedule or you can use a visual plan.
Here are a couple of my favourites!
If you have older kids you can use one that you write on- they do 2 activities and then get a reward for example- they do 10 minutes of math and read for 10 minutes and then get to watch youtube for 5 minutes.
2. Take breaks- here are some great ideas of brain breaks. Here is a version I paid for on TPT, but you can look around, and there are free versions.
Breaks at home can be:
- go outside for a quick 5-minute walk
- go get a drink or snack
- go on the iPad for 5 minutes
- do a quick physical activity (20 jumping jacks or vacuum/sweep)
3. Heavy Work- if your child has participated in heavy work, their muscles will be tired, and they will be ready to sit and learn. Some ideas you can use for heavy work at home:
- carrying laundry baskets (with clothes)
- wiping down tables and counters
- sweeping or vacuuming
4. Remove distractions- it is good to have a place that is dedicated to doing school work. Not in front of the tv, and have their phone shut off.
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