
Monday, 19 August 2019

Teaching Concepts

Teaching Concepts and Sequencing- First, Next, Last, Before and After

How many times have you worked with your caseload and they need extra help with before and after? All the time, right?!

You can use this package in your special ed. class, speech therapy or classroom. You can use this with many different abilities. There are sheets where they have to explain the concepts (before/after, first, next and last) and worksheets that they write what happened before/after, etc. On many of the sheets, there is no right/wrong answer- use your judgement and let the child explain their answer if it makes sense accept it.  For example, some people brush their teeth first thing in the am and others after they eat breakfast.
I’ve included mats that you can use for centers in your class (pages 3-34), task cards (35-38), and colour, cut and paste worksheets (39-55).
There are also blank pages that you can use however you like
I hope you enjoy it and it works for your students.

Teaching Concepts and Sequencing- First, Next, Last, Before and After

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