
Friday, 5 January 2018

Push-In Therapy

In the speech world, we need to be creative; by meeting the needs of all of our students, empowering and educating teachers, and ever-growing caseloads. As a speechie, I always need to keep learning, growing and changing. I am always trying to think of new, exciting and innovative ways to meet the growing demand of the schools I serve. That's why Creating Communicators provides speech therapy in several different ways.

We provide speech therapy one on one in the "speech room" and we provide small group pull out therapy as well as "push-in therapy." My take on each therapy type is, bring it on. Each style has its own positives and I think that providing all types of services helps ensure that students are receiving support. The more ways that services are offered, the more students can receive adequate support in the way that they need to be supported. Some students need less distractions and need to be out of the class, and other students need support in the class in order to generalize their skills. When you are in the classroom providing activities to the entire class,  push-in therapy, you also have the benefits of peer modeling and their is less stigma associated, since you are working with all the students in the classroom. Plus you are reaching every student, even the kids not on your caseload! :) In some of my schools, I have a caseload of over 50 kids!! And did I mention, I work with 5 schools.

Here are a few examples of my products that can be used for Push-In Therapy! 

 K in the Classroom- Push-In Therapy 

Say, Write & Wipe- Pronouns

 Say, Write & Wipe- Verb Tenses!

Classroom Activities to Increase Vocabulary Skills- Push-In 

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