
Friday, 18 August 2017


I am going out on a limb here... and I am trying something new! I was thinking back to when I was a kid. I would go into a store with my grandma and she would say, "ohh look grab bags!" I loved buying them with her, you were never sure what you were going to get and it was so exciting ripping open that bag to find out your goodies! I love those memories. 

 Speech Grab Bag

I was thinking about putting that excitement back into my products in my store. I have made a product that links to my google drive where you will have access to 6 of my newer and best selling products. You won't know what you are getting and that's why its exciting. There are products to cover your caseload for the month of September. In case you've been putting off getting ready as long as you can. There are products for pronouns, vocabulary, articulation and concepts plus a few extras!

It is $10 and you are purchasing $18.50 worth of products. 

Money back guarantee! If you are not completely happy with the products or you have already purchase them, email me and I will send you products of equal value for free!

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