
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Parent Handouts!

Hey Everyone!

Let's face it we can do a lot in speech but we really need carryover and practice at home. Also, we need parents to understand speech and how they can keep the language going in their home. Many parents don't understand how to increase language in their everyday activities. They turn on the T.V. or an iPad and think- "this is educational it has to help my child speak."

 Electronic devices may help with some things but it doesn't help teach language skills, vocabulary and conversation skills like turn taking. What we need is parents to get out the old fashioned toys, get on the floor and play with kids, especially toddlers. The kids love the interaction and it also helps to build bonds with the little guys.

 Speech & Language Homework {Toddler Toys}

I am not saying you need to spend hour upon hour on the floor but a few minutes (even 10 minutes because lets face it younger kids can't focus for much longer than that) a few times a day is crucial for language development.
I found these homework handouts (for use with Toddlers and common toys that most people have in their homes) that are awesome, and FREE! Thank you, Primary Punch! Great work!
Speech & Language Homework {Toddler Toys}

I am thinking of making my own but right now I have a 1 year old and I need to go play with him!

What do you use for parent handouts?


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