
Sunday, 24 May 2015

ABC Cookies!

This is ABC cookies that I got from Learning Resources on Amazon. This is a cool little kindergarten or grade. 1 game to teach letter identification and recognition, letter matching, sequencing and letter sounds.

This game comes with 45 game cards that includes ideas for practicing beginning sounds, sequencing and letter recognition. You can use the spinners to play games and there are many variations, the only limit is your imagination. And It is under $15 - which I totally love!!

Kids love the little cookie pieces but remember to wash them because they love to put them in their mouth. :)

Literacy Games!

You can use the cookie game as literacy/phonological awareness centers  in your classroom. One  idea is putting  a different cookie on 4 or 5 tables and then have the kids go find things that begin with that same sound or that letter in the classroom. Another idea is to use the cookies as a writing center. Choose a cookie and have the  kids write down as many words as they can think of with that start with that letter.

The name game!

For the name game you can put about 4 or 5 cookies each on their own the desk or table  and then have every kid who has a name that begins with that letter stand at that table/desk. Another variation is to have the first child start and standby the table that their name starts with and then they choose somebody else from the class and tell them which table to stand up... and so on.

The only limit is your imagination!

What ideas do you have for this cute game? Comment below!


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