I have so many kids that are working on language goals and it is hard to find resources to target them that the kids will like. Especially with the older kids! I usually use the Ipad with my school aged kids because it is a reward in itself. When I bring it I don't even need to bring my treat bucket!...Usually! LOL
- The first app I like is Talk About It: objects from HamaguchiApps. This app works well for older children who are reading. You can use this app to have the students decide which of the sentences is the most important piece of information about a certain item and then at the end they go over all of the sentences. Great idea!
- The next one Categories Learning Center from Smarty Ears Apps is so great for groups! You can sort items into their groups and it keeps score at the top of the screen for you! It also includes categories that are more difficult for your older students.
- Category Carousel by Pocketslp is a great vocabulary game because you can include up to 6 categories. It is great for one on one or group sessions!
- Easy Concepts is great for younger children who are working on following directions and learning concepts- It targets concepts like first, next, last, superlatives, before and after, all receptively. It is a simple idea but it works well to target those pesky concepts in a fun way!
- Magical Concepts from Virtual Speech Center Apps is a game that targets concepts and following 1 step directions receptively. You can choose the concept that you want targeted and then when the student has competed a few tasks they get the choice of watching a magic show.
- WH questions from Autism iHelp is a great one for working on ... of course, wh questions. It asks the student a wh question and they choose one of the 4 possible answers.
- Last but not least......Prepositions Remix from Smarty Ears- I LOVE this one! I use it all the time. This app also targets concepts and the great thing about this app is you can use it to target any concept you want. If you student is only working on a few concepts you can concentrate on those ones! The student receives feedback from the "voice" on the game which is nice! Plus at the the end it gives you a detailed report of which concepts were worked on, what percent they got and which goals they got right and wrong!
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