
Friday, 26 October 2018

Fall IG Giveaway

A few of us smaller stores have partnered for a fun fall giveaway on IG! Be sure to check us out and enter!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Vocabulary Ideas

The Vocabulary Goal!

Welcome! I have made a binder to help you by guiding your students along the vocab goal! In this pack is everything you will need to carry out the target in therapy properly.

Included are forms, and instructions to carry out each part of the vocabulary goal- including associations, opposites, sorting, labelling categories, name items in a group, attributes, and functions.

There are 12 of my products:

**Category Clips
**Classroom Vocabulary
**Coloring for Language- Vocabulary Edition
**Jar Categories
**Match it! An Associations Game
**Opposite Clip Cards
**Play-Doh Associations
**Play-Doh Categories
**Robot Association Puzzles
**Vocabulary- Associations, Sorting & Categorizing
**What Am I?

The total of all products separately is more than $20, so you are getting this is a steal of a deal :)

There will also be videos on youtube that will model goals that you can watch to help give you a visual representation of how therapy should look.
Keep an eye out for them.
I will also be making more step by step Bundles!


Step by Step Vocabulary Bundle

Step by Step Vocabulary Bundle

Sunday, 7 October 2018


SLP Must Have

Speech and Language Push-In Centers
These5 centers are for meant for the classroom to help with expressive language skills. You can have the students work in pairs or small groups for the vocabulary skills to explain the attributes of each item and practice their skills expressively. The skills that are targeted are pronouns, beginning sounds, vocabulary and attributes of items.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Goldilocks for a Week!

Everything you need for speech therapy! 

Read the story to your students everyday (for a week) and then follow up with the activities.

Monday- Name the category

Tuesday- Concepts

Wednesday- Opposites

Thursday-Sequence the Story
(2 versions)
Friday-Comparative and Superlatives

Bonus-articulation for /g/ & wh questions.

A Week with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Monday, 1 October 2018

Good /l/ sound video for kids

Quick tip Monday!
Use visuals and videos!!
I like using this video for my kids who are struggling with the l sound. It is a nice visual!