Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Match It!!
If you are anything like me, by May you are in need of some new stuff for your little guys. They get tired of the same old stuff... quick. :) So I started making something...
Here is my relatively new Associations Mats- Match It Pack.
Use these mats as a fun way to improve vocabulary in the classroom as a center or as a simple, and fun activity in Speech Therapy!
Print, Laminate and cut only cut apart pages 3 and 9 leave the other pages as mats! If you have time (and energy!) you can use velcro too! Match It!
Use the mats for a center activity and put all of the pieces (pages 3 & 9) in the middle of the table.
Have the students choose the correct pieces for their mats and explain why they go together.
**There is 1 picture that includes a Canadian twenty dollar bill, Canadian quarter and penny. Although they are the Canadian version, they are still applicable for Americans as the bill is green. :)
I also want to use these mats with little manipulatives - like little toys from the $ store. They would be so good for pre-k kids- engaging and hands on!! Thesis will love it. And if you want to talk RTI - it would be a good center to give to your pre-k or kindergarten room(s). I'm still working on those mats but keep an eye out cause I will get them added soon...
Chat soon,
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Don't forget about my Kindergarten Fine Motor Kit freebie~
These kits are so easy to assemble and use. You can use them in speech therapy too! Incorporate speech and OT in one session, the kill 2 birds idea. Many of our kids need to work on their OT skills for printing, writing and all of those other fun skills they need for school. You can use this kit for OT while targeting following directions, literacy and awareness of letters, concepts, patterns and vocabulary. It targets so many goals all in one!!
Fine Motor Kits
That target pincer grasp, strength, bilateral coordination, and object manipulation.
Credit: Chantelle Robertson, Occupational Therapist.
Fine Motor Kit 1- Pincer Grasp
Kit- Letter outlines and beads
Objective- improve pincer grasp and learn letter formation.
Task: have students place beads along the outline of the letter starting at the tip of the letter (to reinforce proper letter formation). The student will use their thumb and index finger (prince grasp) to pick up the beads and place them on the line. Having a strong pincer grasp is important in promoting the tripod grasp, its also important in self-care tasks (zippers and tying shoes).
Kit-Playdoh and small toys and other manipulatives
Objective: improve hand strength
Task: have students dig in the playdoh with their hands and pull all of the playdoh of each toy. Hand strength is important when completing classroom skills like using scissors and also when completing daily tasks like opening jars. When the student finds an item, have them talk about the item. For example where the item is found, what it does, what group it belongs to, its parts and what goes with the item. You can also use concepts like place the car on the bin, in the bin, behind the bin, etc.
Fine Motor Kit 3- Bilateral coordination/ 2 hands
Kit-pipe cleaners and beads
Objective: improve bilateral coordination and numeracy
Task: have students a number and identify it. String the same amount of beads onto the pipe cleaner.
Ex number 2 pipe cleaner: string 2 beads.
Using 2 hands together is important during printing and cutting tasks and two hands need to work together. One hand holds the paper and the other the tool.
Fine Motor Kit 4- Object Manipulation
Kit-blocks and cups
Objective: introduce sorting, patterns, object manipulation, turn taking and cooperative play skills.
Task: have students sort blocks by color into cups. Once each student has several blocks in their cup they can take turns adding to a tower. They can work in groups of two to create ABAB patterns in their block towers. Have the student count how high their tower is. Object manipulation is important when completing puzzles and craft projects. Cooperative play is a developing skill in 4 and 5 year olds which some student may find difficult.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Popsicles in Speech Therapy
I've been working on this latest project for a while...I was (am) getting tired and burnt out, who isn't?? (I know, right??!!)
When that happens (usually in May) I also get tired of my resources and I wanted to try something fun that I could use in speech but also give to teachers that would be helpful with RtI. I am just starting to get the hang of RtI and since no one around me uses it, I am taking the bull by the horns and introducing it in my schools. But enough about that because I am still learning :)
The creating this popsicle pack because I needed a fun and unique way to target common goals. This pack can
be used in speech therapy or as a center in your class. This pack
The rest of the pack includes opposites, possessives, beginning sounds, diagraphs, syllables and segmenting words! WOW = there is A LOT!
I used these big popsicle sticks but this will also fit on small popsicle sticks- the big ones are easier to work with. :) I bought them at Wal-Mart but I am sure you can find them at any $ Store.
Let me know how your school uses RtI? Leave your comments below!
Monday, 15 May 2017
This Goes With That?
I haven't talked to you in a while, I hope your May is buzzing along!
By the end of the school year I am tired of my resources so I go on the search for something new. I recently purchased this from Really Good Stuff. It's called This goes with that. It's a new way of targeting vocabulary (associations) and it works well with older kids.
It gives the kids an opportunity to write and draw how items go together.
This is a good activity for a center or groups to work on while you are providing some one on one. This activity provides 1main picture and then a choice of 3 at the bottom. The student picks a colored circle (they come the game and they are made of cardboard) and they match it the item that's associated and explain why they are related.
Love it!! Easy Peasy!!
Check out Really Good Stuff- and it's cheap!!!